"Dulu pun saya rasa amat tercabar & kadangkala menangis krn rasa penat & tidak tahu apa nak buat. Tapi saya bersyukur krn naluri keibuan saya sangat kuat & rasa sayang pd anak mengatasi segalanya.Saya serve internet utk cari jawapan kpd pelbagai persoalan. Saya buang pil retalin yg doktor bagi utk anak saya sbb saya yakin yg anak saya tidak memerluknnya. Saya ibunya & saya kaji dulu sblum menerima saranan doktor.Kita sbg ibunya menghabiskn jauh lebih byk masa bersamanya drpd doktor yg hanya berinteraksi dgnnya selama bbrpa minit setiap bbrpa bln.Tetapi saya akui terdpt kes2 d mana anak2 autistik ini mmg perlukn retalin. Anak saya kini sudah tidak melakukn byk perkara yg tidak boleh dterima akal. Syukur Alhamdulillah. KESABARAN - & REDA dgn anugerah Allah ini dpt mmbantu kita berhadapn dgn pelbagai masalah. Ingatlah : Anak2 kita ini tempat mereka d syurga sbb jiwa mereka suci. Bersyukurlah kpd Allah yg telah memilih kita utk menjadi ibu mereka." Drp
Rabeah Ibrahim"Only a mother with an autistic child will fully understand what we go through to bring up this very special child. My son is now 15 yrs old. I believe we are specially chosen by God to be gifted with a special child for reasons only He knows. I'm glad & grateful to have my son,Raffiq, although the first 6 or 7 yrs were really trying & challenging years. I still believe that the mother is the best teacher, psychologist, psychiatrist , etc. for the child.I used to worry that he wouldn't be able to ask questions using the Wh words esp. " Why" but I think I did well as he asks lots & lots of questions now! My main focus right now is to make him read & write faster & better. My worry is he still doesn't know how to use money. Any idea?"
Rabeah Ibrahim
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