Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mark Zuckerberg Gets Married

In a surprise ceremony, Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg married his longtime girlfriend, Priscilla Chan, in a private wedding at his home in Palo Alto, Calif. on Saturday.

Zuckerberg, who just became a billionaire as a result of the Facebook IPO on Friday, reportedly placed a ring on his wife’s finger during the ceremony — the ring, said to be designed by Zuckerberg himself, was described as featuring a “very simple ruby.”

According to the Associated Press, Zuckerberg’s marriage to Priscilla Chan took place in front of about 100 invited guests who thought they were celebrating Ms. Chan’s medical school graduation. It all happened in Zuckerberg’s backyard.

Take a look at Zuckerberg’s personal page on Facebook, and you’ll see the above picture, which Zuckerberg reportedly placed onto his own site as a change of his status after the ceremony.
The couple met while both were attending Harvard, and have been together for nine years.

It was a dramatic day of a big week for Zuckerberg:


 Komen Sahabat FBku:Darnalis A Rahman
"Akhirnya, kahwin jugak mamat nii... Antara orang yang PALING KAYA di muka bumi nii... tapi aku TERPAKSA kagum dengan orang yahudi nii.. hidup dia penuh dengan kesederhanaan... Kahwin pun dengan orang yang sederhana... bukan supermodel, bawak pun kete Acura saja dan bukan rolls-royce. Rumah takde laa nampak macam istana.. Ceremony pun sangat sederhana.. 100 org jer hadir, tuu pun yang hadir terkejut sebab ingat ceremony lain, orang yang tak berapa kaya kat malaysia pun belanja lagi banyak dari dia untuk kahwin."

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