From kindergarten to secondary, my son has been sleeping in class and has not been up to date with school work.Teachers are not comfortable with him sleeping in class as it reflects badly on them. But when he really pays attention, he'l be correcting the teachers and asking questions. He will be be very persistent and continue to ask questions until he gets satisfactory answers. This behaviour can be disruptive and his classmates find it annoying as it disrupts their lesson. Sometimes he'l be bringing the discussion to a different level and his classmates consider this as a waste of the teacher's and their time and if the teacher entertains his curiosity, his classmates would tell the teacher to ignore him and continue with the lesson. So, I agree that autistic kids should be given the chance to study in the mainstream, ie normal classes, but the teachers should be trained to cater to their special needs and the school too needs to educate their students on how autistic students perceive the world. And for this to be achieved the education ministry has to take the first step and make special education their piority.
Noradilah Abdullah Ingat masa tahun-tahun pertama saya jadik cikgu ada jugak sorang pelajar mcm ni dalam kelas saya. memang pelik tapi saya suka dia. Bila sains aje mesti score 100%. Tulisan memangla...huhuhu...sakit mata cikgu. sekarang sambung belajar kat UM, saya rasa buat farmasi/medic ..lupa lakkk. tapi yang saya ingat dia anak surgeon.
Ery Kumagai Salam kak hayati. I assume ur son attended mainstream class, Is it from standard 1 or did he join special class?
Ery Kumagai Private or public school? :) thanks
Hayati Jafar wa'alaikumussalammainstream in both primary and secondary, primary- sek ren agama bersepadu - school run by the Jabatan Pendidikan Agama Negeri Johor, school hours 8.00am - 4.00/4.30pm, morning break and lunch provided. I only took him to see specialist when he finishd primary. He was diagnosed just before he starts secondary. He tool placement test carried out by segamat ppd pendidikan khas and they decided that there was no pend khas in segamat suitable for him, so ppd put im in a controlled school and they were considerate enough to transfer me to the same school
Che' Nor klu dia tidur tu.. maknanya dia tengah loading apa yg cikgu cakap.. hehehe, mcm mber i and now dia dah d Australia.
Hayati Jafar I noticed he had problems with school since I enrolled him in kindergarten when he was 4 years old, and things got worse when he was in primary. However, he excelled in his studies. I was ignorant about autism then, I thought it was all because of the way i brought him up. I did try to apply from kementerian for a transfer to teach in primary school but it was rejected.
Hayati Jafar Noradillah Abdullah - I was his English teacher when he was in Form 5, most of the time he was a joy to teach, but then again, I might be biased :)
Hayati Jafar Che' Nor - that is exactly what his teachers say
Rujukan: Autisma.My
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