Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Kepentingan ilmu

I salute this mother.. she knows the value of education.. jst think about their dreams.. they jst wanted to b lyk us... nd look at ourself we jst hate the way we r now... jst imagin how lucky we are .. we got eyes ears legs hands.. all.. still we r unhappy ..wt abt them..??? and we do all wrong with wt all we hav... utilize wt all u hav 4 good.. nd thank god dt u got all these .. he given u all this hoping that.. one day u will bring all of those people to the main stream...... try helping them... promote girlz education.. find some time.. to do..such.. from all ur wrongs.. U cnt bring all of them to ur home and provide shelter to all.. in a single day.. try doing small things that u r capable for the time being.. JST DO IT.. u will feel much satisfied..

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