Saturday, February 18, 2012

Anak autisma yang berkebolehan dalam bidang nyanyian.

Pada 19 Feb 2012 (AHAD), Esok UMAR ada buat persembahan di Gopeng Perak utk event RTC. Slot persembahan umar pkl 11.30am dgn 12.30pm... JOM PAKAT2 TENGOK UMAR BUAT PERSEMBAHAN.

Beliau juga telah banyak membuat pelbagai persembahan di sekitar Lembah Klang.

Latar Belakang UMAR

Umar Hasfizal was detected to have Autism when he was 2 years old. With the support of his parents, teachers, close relatives and kind friends, he has shown tremendous development and has acquired a considerable amount of skills. Like any of his normal peers, he is now able to read and write.
Umar has a rare musical talent especially in singing. His voice often captures the hearts of his audience. He has participated in various singing competitions including The Malaysian Special Idol 2006 where he emerged as the 1st runner up. He has also represented the Federal Territory at the National Level of the 'Tilawah and Hafazan' competition.

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