Thursday, February 16, 2012

You Might Be An Autism Parent if …

1. You might be an autism parent if you have to change the movie your child is watching 10 times in 5 mins because he wants to watch something else. – Jessica Bishop

2. You might be an autism parent if you watch the same film over and over again and don’t complain. – Julie Betts

3. You might be an autism parent if you get both hit and hugged within 5 seconds of each other. - McGrandma Paul

4. You might be an autism parent if you can’t wait for your child to go to school after a hectic weekend but miss ‘em minutes after school starts. - Catie Nelson

5. You might be an autism parent if you would trade everything you have to spend just half an hour in your child’s mind to know how and what they’re thinking. – Martina-Jade P.

6. You might be an autism parent if you find yourself using your child’s therapeutic coping strategies for yourself. – Jennifer J-Stebbins.

7. You might be an autism parent if your blood boils everytime you see a status update about an autistic child being bullied. – Sarai Alataua

8. You might be an autism parent if the definition of a clean house is now one that doesn’t have an overflowing trash can, dishes in the sink are rinsed, and laundry is at least in the hamper or in the basket. - Jennifer Hodgon

9. You might be an autism parent if your friends fade as your life is consumed with many therapists, teachers, doctors, case managers, intervention specialists and these people have no clue you almost feel like they are your new best friends because you spend so much time around them and the subject of conversation is your children… (My favorite subject… I breathe for my kids. These people have no clue how much their support means to me!) – Shawna Marie

10. You might be an autism parent if a ‘good day’ means no one’s in the hospital, no one from the school called, no one from the police department is standing on your lawn and everyone’s sitting in one room without a problem. -Kristyne B. Urlacher

11. You might be an autism parent if someone walks into your house and asks if you live in a dangerous neighborhood and you say no… the window locks, gate locks and three types of door locks are to keep my kid in… not bad guys out. – Sarah P White

12. You might be an autism parent if your blood boils and it touches a nerve whenever you hear a child with autism being called the ‘R’ word. –


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