Top Five Reasons You Should Never Piss Off an Autism Mom.....
We’ve all been there. Every autism mom has had at least one encounter
with some insensitive jackass who insulted our children or criticized
our parenting. It might have been the perfectly groomed soccer mom who
said your child was merely spoiled, or maybe the old biddy that told you
to take your screaming kid outside even though you were already
dragging him out the door in a Fireman Carry, or maybe just some random
mean guy who muttered, “This is why I hate kids” under his breath while
your child happily flapped past him.
Usually we just have to
mention “autism” and the critics slink away, embarrassed and with their
tails between their legs, but every now and then you meet somebody who
is such a huge asshole they don’t care if your kid is autistic, they
just care that your child’s noise/stim/existence is annoying to them,
and they don’t hesitate to tell you about how obnoxious your child is
and what a terrible job you’re doing raising him.
their callousness shocks us silent, and we sit in the car afterward,
thinking of all the retorts we could have made. Sometimes we take the
higher ground and walk away, and sometimes we dig in and defend
ourselves. (And sometimes we defend ourselves loudly and with many
obscenities, but that bitch in the bookstore deserved it!)
These people who attack us are horrible because they have no empathy.
They’re shallow people who probably lead miserable lives devoid of depth
and meaning. They need to learn compassion and respect, but mostly
they need to learn to fear us, because autism moms are not to be trifled
Top Five Reasons You Should Never Piss Off an Autism Mom
Five. We’re Already on the Defensive
What? You think you’re the first person to think I’m a bad mother? Get
in line. People have been assuming I’m a bad mother for the last five
years. I chew up people who think I’m a bad parent for breakfast. You
think there’s something wrong with my kid? No shit, Sherlock – this
panel of physicians and psychologists agrees with you. Tell us
something we don’t know. Have something new and clever to add? No? NO?
I didn’t think so…
In other words, we have experience with assholes like you.
Four. We Are Not Socially Well-Adjusted
We were real people once, and we will be real people again someday, but
right now we’re living on the fringe of polite society. We have cut
ties and discarded the family and friends who couldn’t handle our
situation. We all suffer from severe PTSD. Our houses are messy, our
surfaces are sticky, and we know the words to way too many Wiggles
songs. We clean up disasters that you couldn’t even begin to
contemplate. We live in semi-isolation, trying to have philosophical
conversations with children who only know 18 words. We wear yoga pants
all day. Our lives are not like other people’s lives. Do you really want
to make us angry? Or do you want to give us a really really wide berth
and back away slowly because you’re scared of what we might do if we
snap? Yes. Good choice.
Three. We Know How to Fight
Autism moms know how to fight because we practice. We fight all day
long. We fight with doctors about treatment, and then we fight with
insurance companies to get it paid for. We fight with the state over
services and we fight with schools about our IEPs. We fight with our
families who won’t come to visit us anymore and we fight with our
husbands to let off steam from all the other fighting we’re constantly
doing. We fight with our children to make them keep their pants on in
public. Do you think for a second that we would hesitate to fight with
a complete stranger who was totally asking for it?
Two. We’re Already Angry
Autism moms carry huge amounts of unprocessed rage just below the
surface. We’re mad at god or the universe or fate or whatever it is out
there that gave our children autism. We are furious at the cards we
were dealt and indignant that such a horrible thing had to happen to our
children. We are angry about the loss of the child we were supposed to
have, and we never truly stop mourning. We’re angry at the doctors who
didn’t catch it early enough and also at the doctors who did. We hold a
grudge against anybody who ever failed us as we tried to make sense of
this chaos, and we’re also furious at ourselves, because we constantly
feel like we’re not doing enough to help and we’re secretly afraid that
it might somehow be our fault in the first place. We are already
walking bundles of resentment…do you want to be the straw that breaks
the camel’s back?
One. We’re Sleep Deprived
Some of us
haven’t had a good night’s sleep in years. Between the stress,
depression, anxiety, and the kid who wakes up screaming for popsicles at
3 a.m., we’re all beyond exhausted. We’re muddled and short-tempered
and irrational and crazy. Like ax murderer crazy. Like Mel Gibson
crazy. There are all sorts of studies linking sleep deprivation to
psychosis and that would probably hold up in court if I decided to
assault you. Keep that in mind the next time you fail to keep your
opinions to yourself, and beware the autism mom. ♥
By Laughing Through Tears: Two women, four autism diagnoses, many cocktails.
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