Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Introduction Autism


Autism is a life-long disorder of development which affects the way a child thinks and processes information. It affects 1-2 children out of 1000 and is 4 times more frequent in boys. Symptoms are usually present before the age of 3 years but may not be recognized.

The main affected areas in autism are :

1. Communication
2. Social Interaction
3. Repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests and activities

Autism is considered part of a group of disorders called Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Another disorder from this group is Asperger's Syndrome where the child's language development and cognitive skills may be normal.

No single cause of autism has been found but some of the possible causes may be genetic factors and chemical imbalance in the brain. Mental retardation may be present in 75% of autistic children.

Signs & symptoms

The signs and symptoms are apparent in the 3 main affected areas :


1. Delayed, abnormal or no speech
2. Abnormal non verbal communication e.g. not gesturing much
3. Inability to pretend during play
4. Inability to have conversation with others

Social Interaction

1. Poor eye contact and lack of facial expression
2. Unawareness of feelings of others
3. Self-preoccupation without sharing experiences with others
4. Playing on their own
5. Inability to make friends

Repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests and activities

* Repeated body movements e.g. hand flapping, rocking back and forth, head banging
* Preoccupation with parts of objects e.g. wheels of a toy car
* Distress over small changes in environment.
* Insistence on following routines rigidly
* Having only one or two areas of interest.


Persons with autism may present with different symptoms at different ages.

1. Early childhood - hyperactivity, temper tantrums
2. Late childhood - aggressiveness, self harm
3. Adolescence and adulthood - depression, epilepsy


Input from various professionals is needed to :

* Improve social skills
* Encourage more socially acceptable behaviour
* Develop verbal and non verbal communication
* Help families cope

There is no medication that cures autism but drugs for some symptoms that occur with autism e.g. :

* Aggressive behaviour
* Hyperactivity
* Anxiety may be available


Modalities of intervention include :

Speech and language therapy
- To improve the child's communication

Occupational therapy
- To improve social skills e.g. eye contact, attention and concentration and to help with the child?s activities of daily living.
- Multi sensory stimulation

Behaviour intervention
- To decrease temper tantrums and aggressive behaviour

Special Education

Autistic children need to be registered with Dept. of Special Education, Ministry of Education so that their educational needs can be catered for. The forms can be obtained from the nearest education department or school. There are also non-government organizations which provide education for autistic children e.g. National Autistic Society of Malaysia (NASOM).

Disability registration
Children with autism can be registered with the Dept. of Social Welfare by obtaining forms from the nearest Welfare Dept.

1 comment:

  1. alhamdulillah, satu usaha yang membantu meringankan tugas saya dalam mencari topik berkaitan pendidikan khas di Malaysia ini.
    sekadar makluman, pihak kami akan mengadakan satu konvensyen berkaitan pendidikan kanak-kanak.
    Berita baik buat ibubapa yang prihatin.
    Adakah anak anda sangat hyperaktif atau kerap mengalami tantrum kritikal tanpa alasan yang munasabah?
    Kami ingin berkongsi kepada anda satu penemuan terbaru oleh Prof Dr Norsiah iaitu NEUROTHERAPY. Dari terapi ini terdapat satu hasil kajian yang menakjubkan telah diperolehi dari kalangan anak-anak Autism dan ADHD etc ialah rangsangan dari menggunakan ayat-ayat Al-quran tertentu terbukti mampu menenangkan anak-anak ini secara drastik dengan menukar gelombang otak mereka ke frekuensi gelombang Alpha.
    Berminat untuk mempelajari teknik tersebut ??
    ini adalah konvensyen yang akan diadakan pada hujung bulan april ini.
    antara panelnya ialah Dr Hasnah Toran sendiri beserta beberapa panel yang memang pakar di dalam dunia pendidikan kanak-kanak masa sekarang.
    boleh call @ whatsapp +60 16-215 4015
    maklumat lanjut, layari :
